PHP XML Parse Example

The PHP DOMDocument Class can be used to parse XML file very easily. DOMDocument class reads the XML document as a tree of nodes. DOMDocument Class is only supported by PHP version 5.0 or over.

<ResultSet date="2012-02-26 07:43:10">
	<Result id="1">

Following PHP code can be used to parse the above XML file:

	$doc = new DOMDocument();
	$results = $doc->getElementsByTagName("Result" );
	foreach($results as $result)
		$dataid = $result->getElementsByTagName("analysis_id");
		$id = $dataid->item(0)->nodeValue;
		$datauri = $result->getElementsByTagName(data_uri);
		$uri = $datauri->item(0)->nodeValue;
		$datafile = $result->getElementsByTagName("filename");
		$filename = $datafile->item(0)->nodeValue;
		$datasize = $result->getElementsByTagName("filesize");
		$filesize = $datasize->item(0)->nodeValue;

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