PHP is an Object Oriented Programming language. The
<?PHP class colleague { private $name; private $age; public $city; public function colleague($n="",$a=""){ $this->name = $n; $this->age = $a; $this->city = "unknown"; } public function __construct() {} public function __destruct() {} } $obj = new colleague("john","25"); var_dump($obj);//show contents of object $obj ?>
The class properties with keyword
<?PHP echo "$obj->city";//print "unknown" $obj->city = "New York"; echo "$obj->city";//print "New York" //Fatal error: Cannot access private property colleague::$name ... $obj->name = "Mary"; echo "$obj->name"; ?>
We can define a method to access the private property:
<?PHP class colleague { ... public function setname($n=""){ $this->name = $n; } public function getname(){ echo "$this->name"; } } $obj->setname("Mary"); $obj->getname();//Print "Mary" ?>
Class inheritance:
<?PHP class managercolleagueextends colleague { private $officenumber; public function setoffice($ofc){ $this->officenumber = $ofc; } public function getoffice($ofc){ echo "$this->officenumber"; }//overwite colleague class construct function public function _construct(){ parent::_construct(); $this->officenumber = "000"; } } $mobj = new managercolleague; $mobj->setoffice("324"); $mobj->getoffice();//Print 324 ?>