PHP Array

PHP array stores multiple values. PHP has several ways to define an array variable.

$week=array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7);  //number array

$week=array("Mon","Tue","Wed","Thr","Fri","Sat","Sun");  //String array


When define an array element value, if the index is not specified, the value will be appended to the last of the array.

$week[]=1; //$week[7]=1

Array can be iterated by foreach():

foreach($week as $d)
   echo "$d, "; //1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 

Array can also be iterated by for() loop:

   echo "$week[$i], "; //1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 

Multi dimensional array:

$arr = array(
echo "$arr[2][0]";  //9

$arr = array();
$arr[0] = array(1,4);
$arr[1] = array(2,3);
$arr[2] = array(4,2);
echo "$arr[1,1]";  //3

for ($i=0;$i<count($arr);$i++)
   echo "$arr[$i][0], "; //1, 2, 4, 

PHP associative array stores multiple key value pairs.

	$arr = array("one"=>"Monday","two"=>"Tuesday","three"=>"Wednesday",
	foreach($arr as $num=>$d)
		echo "$num, $d\n";

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PHP String Functions
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 • explode • htmlspecialchars
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 • preg_split • print,sprintf
 • regular expr. • str_replace
 • strcmp • strpos
 • strrev • strrpos
 • strtr • substr
 • substr_replace
PHP Array Functions
 • array_diff • array_flip
 • array_intersect • array_key_exists
 • array_keys • array_merge
 • array_pop • array_push
 • array_rand • array_search
 • array_splice • array_unshift
 • array_values • asort & arsort
 • count • in_array
 • ksort, krsort • shuffle
 • sort
PHP Data Types
 • array • associative array
 • date & time • number
 • class, object • regular expression
 • string • variables
PHP Loop & Conditions
 • continue & break • for loop
 • foreach • if else
 • not equal • while
PHP File System Functions
 • copy • delete, unlink
 • dirname • download url
 • file_exists • is_file, filesize
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 • scandir • write file
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 • pass by reference • print
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PHP Math Functions
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