<?PHP echo round(3); //3 echo round(3.2); //3 echo round(3.5); //4 echo round(3.2436); //3 ?>
Specify the precision of the returned value. It can be negative.
<?PHP echo round(3.1415926, 2); //3.14 echo round(3.1415926, 4); //3.1416 echo round(3.2436, -2); //0 echo round(32436, -2); //32400 ?>
The final several decimals may be 0, and it can be deleted.
<?PHP $x = 5.245999; $y = round($x, 4); //y=5.2460 if (floor($x) != $x) { $x = round($x,4); $x = preg_replace("/0+$/","",$x); $x = preg_replace("/\.$/","",$x); //x=5.246 } ?>
<?PHP $num = 43592585.3429; $num2 = number_format($num) echo $num2; //43,592,585 echo number_format($num2, 0, ".", ""); //43592585 $num = "43,592,585.3429"; $num = str_replace(",","",$num); echo "$num"; //43592585.3429 ?>
There are three modes: