PHP strrpos()

strrpos() function compare two strings, return the last occurrence position of the 2nd string inside the 1st string. If the 1st string do not contain the 2nd string, return FALSE.

	echo strrpos("The best time is no time at that time","time");  //33
	if (strrpos("The best time is no time at that time","PHP"))
	   echo "contain PHP";
	else echo "do not contain PHP";
	//do not contain PHP
	echo strrpos("The best time is no time at that time","The");  //0

strrpos() function is case sensitive.

	if (strrpos("The best time is no time at that time","TIME"))
	   echo "contain TIME";
	else echo "do not contain TIME";
	//do not contain TIME
	if (strrpos("The best time is no time at that time","time"))
	   echo "contain time";
	else echo "do not contain time";
	//contain time

If the occurrence position is the 1st character position, will return 0. That may cause wrong results when used in a condition statement.

	if (strrpos("The best time is no time at that time","The"))
	   echo "contain The";
	else echo "do not contain The";
	//do not contain The

The correct statement is:

	if (strrpos("The best time is no time at that time","The") === FALSE)
	   echo "do not contain The";
	else echo "contain The";
	//contain The

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