PHP defined()

defined(x) function checks whether a constant defined or not. It returns TRUE if defined, or FALSE if not. if x is a variable, return FALSE.

	if (defined("MAX")) echo "defined";  //defined
	if (defined("M_PI")) echo "defined";  //defined
	$max = 100;
    if (defined("max")) echo "defined";
	else echo "not defined";	//not defined

The parameter must be quoted, otherwise FALSE will be returned.

	if (defined(MAX)) echo "defined"; 
	else echo "not defined";  //not defined
	if (defined(M_PI)) echo "defined"; 
	else echo "not defined";  //not defined	

To check whether a variable is declared or not, use function isset(). It will return TRUE if declared, otherwise FALSE. If a variable is declared as NULL, it will return FALSE too.

	$max = 100;
    if (isset($max)) echo "declared"; //declared
	else echo "not declared";  

	$max = NULL;
    if (isset($max)) echo "declared";
	else echo "not declared";  //not declared

To check whether a function has been defined or not, use function function_exists(). It will return TRUE if defined, otherwise FALSE. The parameter should be quoted like defined().

    if (function_exists("preg_split")) echo "defined"; //defined
	else echo "not defined";
	function uppercasestr($str)
		$str = strtolower($str);
		$elem = explode(" ",$str);
		$str = "";
		foreach($elem as $word)
		   if ($str == "") $str .= ucfirst($word);
		   else $str .= " " . ucfirst($word);
		return $str;
	if (function_exists("uppercasestr")) echo "defined"; //defined
	else echo "not defined";

Some PHP predefined constants are listed below. For more PHP predefined constants, please check constants.

Line number of current file
Full path name of current file
Directory of current file
Name of current function
Name of current class
Current operation system
End of Line

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PHP String Functions
 • concatenation • echo
 • ereg • ereg_replace
 • explode • htmlspecialchars
 • preg_match • preg_replace
 • preg_split • print,sprintf
 • regular expr. • str_replace
 • strcmp • strpos
 • strrev • strrpos
 • strtr • substr
 • substr_replace
PHP Array Functions
 • array_diff • array_flip
 • array_intersect • array_key_exists
 • array_keys • array_merge
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PHP Data Types
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PHP Loop & Conditions
 • continue & break • for loop
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PHP File System Functions
 • copy • delete, unlink
 • dirname • download url
 • file_exists • is_file, filesize
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 • scandir • write file
PHP Popular Topics
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 • heredoc • mail
 • pass by reference • print
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PHP Math Functions
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