<?PHP $str="This is a PHP Tutorial"; $str2=str_replace("PHP","Javascript",$str); echo "$str2"; //This is a Javascript Tutorial ?>
<?PHP $str="The best time is no time at that time"; $cnt=0; $str2=str_replace("time","TIME",$str,$cnt); echo "$cnt, $str2"; //3, The best TIME is no TIME at that TIME ?>
<?PHP $str="The best time is no time at that time"; $arr=array("mon","tue","wed","thr","fri","sat","sun"); $cnt=0; $arr2=str_replace("fri","FRI",$arr,$cnt); print_r($arr2); //Array ( [0] => mon [1] => tue [2] => wed [3] => thr [4] => FRI [5] => sat [6] => sun ) $arr3=str_replace("t","T",$arr,$cnt); print_r($arr3); //Array ( [0] => mon [1] => Tue [2] => wed [3] => Thr [4] => fri [5] => saT [6] => sun ) echo "Total replacements: " . $cnt; //1 ?>
When the replacement is also an array, the 1st element of the pattern array will be replaced with the 1st element of the replacement array, and the 2nd with the 2nd element of the replacement array, and so on. If the replacement element is not exist, then the relative pattern will be replaced with an empty string.
<?PHP $arr=array("PHP","Javascript","Tutorial"); $pat=array("PHP","Javascript"); $rep=""; print_r(str_replace($pat,$rep,$arr)); //Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => Tutorial ) $rep=array("Python","JS"); $cnt=0; print_r(str_replace($pat,$rep,$arr,$cnt)); //Array ( [0] => Python [1] => JS [2] => Tutorial ) echo "Elements replaced: " . $cnt; //Elements replaced: 2 $rep=array("Python"); $cnt=0; print_r(str_replace($pat,$rep,$arr,$cnt)); //Array ( [0] => Python [1] => [2] => Tutorial ) Elements replaced: 2 echo "Elements replaced: " . $cnt; //Elements replaced: 2 ?>