<?PHP $str="2000-08-12T03:54:54Z"; $str2=preg_replace("/\-/","/",$str); echo "$str2"; //2000/08/12T03:54:54Z ?>
<?PHP $str="2000-08-12T03:54:54Z"; $str2=preg_replace("/\-|:/"," ",$str); echo "$str2"; //2000 08 12T03 54 54Z ?>
When matching multiple patterns using
<?PHP $str="what time is the best time when there is no time at all"; $str2=preg_replace("/ time | is |when/","",$str); //" is " is not replaced since the space has been replaced by " time " echo "$str2"; //whatis the best therenoat all $str3=preg_replace("/ time | is | when/","",$str); //" is " and " when" are not replaced since the spaces // have been replaced by " time " echo "$str3"; //whatis the bestwhen therenoat all ?>
You may use
<?PHP $str="2000-08-12T03:54:54Z"; $str2=preg_replace("/\-(\d+)\-(\d+)T/","/\\2/\\1T",$str); echo "$str2"; //2000/12/08T03:54:54Z ?>