<?PHP $arr1=array(1,3,5,7,9); $arr2=array(2,4,6,8); $arr3=array_merge($arr1,$arr2); foreach($arr3 as $element) echo "$element, "; //1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, ?>
If there are redundant values in the combined array, they will be saved as is.
<?PHP $arr1=array(1,3,5,7,9); $arr2=array(1,2,4,6,8); $arr3=array(1,2); $arr4=array_merge($arr1,$arr2,$arr3); foreach($arr4 as $element) echo "$element, "; //1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 2, ?>
<?PHP $arr1=array("apple"=>"carbon","rice"=>"carbon","nuts"=>"fat","meat"=>"protein"); $arr2=array("corn"=>"carbon","fish"=>"protein"); $arr3=array_merge($arr1,$arr2); foreach($arr3 as $key=>$val) echo "$key, $val; "; //apple, carbon; rice, carbon; nuts, fat; meat, protein; corn, carbon; fish, protein; ?>
If redundant keys exist in the arrays to be combined, only the last occurence will be saved.
<?PHP $arr1=array("apple"=>"carbon","rice"=>"carbon","nuts"=>"fat","meat"=>"protein"); $arr2=array("corn"=>"carbon","fish"=>"protein"); $arr3=array("rice"=>"unknown","fish"=>"unknown"); $arr4=array_merge($arr1,$arr2,$arr3); foreach($arr4 as $key=>$val) echo "$key, $val; "; //apple, carbon; rice, unknown; nuts, fat; meat, protein; corn, carbon; fish, unknown; ?>