PHP array_search()

array_search() searches an associative array for a specified value and returns its key if found, otherwise false.    mixed array_search(mixed needle, array array [, bool strict = false])

	echo $key; //nuts 

If there are more than one key with the same value, the first occurrence will be returned. If the strict parameter is true, then the value comparison will be type sensitive.

	echo $key; //apple
    $key=array_search(43,$arr, true);
    echo $key; //no output, 43 and "43" types not match
    $key=array_search("43",$arr, true);
    echo $key; //nuts

If all keys with the same value need to be retrieved, you can use array_keys() function.

	foreach($arr2 as $element) echo "$element, "; //apple, rice, 
	foreach($arr2 as $element) echo "$element, "; //nuts,  

in_array() checks whether a value is in a array.

    if (in_array(3,$arr)) echo "3 is an array element";
	//3 is an array element
	if (in_array("4",$arr,true)) echo "4 is in the array";
	if (in_array(2.3,$arr,true)) echo "2.3 is in the array";
	//no output, type not match. "2.3" is string, 2.3 is number

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