PHP Not Equal

!= and <> are the Not Equal comparison operators of PHP. While == checks two variables are equal or not. If the condition is met, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE. These operators are not type sensitive.

	$a = 3;
	if ($a != 4) {...}  //True
	if ($a <> 4) {...}  //True
	if ($a == "3") {...} //True
	$a = array("2","3.4","5.342","0","3","-5","6.3");
	$b = array(2,3.4,5.342,0,3,-5,6.3);
	if ($a == $b) echo "True"; else echo "False"; //True

The operators can be used to compare arrays.

	$a = array("2","3.4","5.342","0","3","-5","6.3");
	$b = array(2,3.4,5.342,0,3,-5,6.3);
	if ($a == $b) echo "True"; else echo "False"; //True

=== checks whether two variables are equal and of the same type, as identical. !== is the Not Identical signs of PHP.

	$a = 3;
	if ($a == "3") {...}  //True
	if ($a === "3") {...}  //False
	if ($a !== "3") {...}  //True	

is_null(x) checks x is NULL or not.

  $a = NULL;
  if ($a == NULL) echo "True";  //True
  if ($a === NULL) echo "True"; //True
  if (is_null($a)) echo "True"; //True

  $a ='';
  if ($a == NULL) echo "True"; else echo "False1"; //True
  if ($a === NULL) echo "True"; else echo "False2"; //False
  if (is_null($a)) echo "True"; else echo "False3";  //False

When the operator is not type sensitive, 0, FALSE, empty string will be treated as equal to each other.

   $a="";$b=0; $c=FALSE;
   if ($a == $b) echo "True"; else echo "False"; //True
   if ($a === $b) echo "True"; else echo "False"; //False
   if ($c == $b) echo "True"; else echo "False"; //True
   if ($c == $b) echo "True"; else echo "False"; //False
    $a = NULL;
	$b = 4/0;
    if ($a == $b) echo "True"; else echo "False";  //True   

<=> spaceship operator compares two integer or float numbers. If the 1st is equal to the 2nd, return 0; else if less than, return -1, else if greater than, return 1. This operator is only supported in PHP 7 or above.

    echo 2.1 <=> 5;  //-1
	echo 2.1 <=> 2.1;  //0
	echo 9 <=> 4;   //1

Following is the list of all comparison operators in PHP.

equal, not type sensitive
identical, type sensitive
not equal, not type sensitive
not identical, type sensitive
less than
greater than
less than or equal to
greater than or equal to
return 0 if equal, -1 if less than or 1 if greater than

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