<?PHP $str="The best time is no time"; $arr=explode(" ",$str); foreach($arr as $i) echo "$i, "; //The, best, time, is, no, time, ?>
The separator can also be a string.
<?PHP $str="The best time is no time"; $arr=explode("time",$str); foreach($arr as $i) echo "$i, "; //The best , is no , , ?>
If the returned array element number n is specified, then the return array will be consisted of the first n-1 elements, and all the remaining elements will be combined into the last element.
<?PHP $str="The best time is no time"; $arr=explode(" ",$str,3); foreach($arr as $i) echo "$i, "; //The, best, time is no time, ?>
If the specified return element number n < 0, then return all other elements except the last n elements.
<?PHP $str="The best time is no time"; $arr=explode(" ",$str,-1); foreach($arr as $i) echo "$i, "; //The, best, time, is, no, ?>
<?PHP $arr=array("php","js","python"); $str=implode(" + ", $arr); echo "$str"; //php + js + python ?>
if you want to use regular expression as the separator, you can use
<?PHP $str="<td>One<td>two<td>three<td>four"; $arr=preg_split('/\<td\>/',$str); foreach($arr as $element) echo "$element, "; //, One, two, three, four, ?>
<?PHP $str=htmlspecialchars('<table><tr><td>name<td>address</table>'); echo $str; //<table><tr><td>name<td>address</table> $str2 = htmlspecialchars_decode($str); echo $str2; //<table><tr><td>name<td>address</table> ?>