PHP ereg_replace()
PHP ereg_replace() is a deprecated function. It replaces the specific pattern matches inside a string using regular expression.
ereg_replace() function is much slower than other string functions such as str_replace() which do not support regular expressions.
$str="2000 East Whatson Rd";
echo "$ret"; //East Whatson Rd
For special characters of a string, including " ? . * etc, a "\" is needed to put infront of it when included in a pattern.
$str="2000 East? Whatson Rd";
echo "$ret"; //2000 East Whatson Rd
ereg_replace() function can reserve the string pattern at a specificed position in the new string using "( )".
$str="2000 East? Whatson Rd";
$ret=ereg_replace("\s(East)\?"," - 3000 \\1",$str);
echo "$ret"; //2000 - 3000 East Whatson Rd
Similiar functions include ereg(), preg_match(), preg_replace(), str_replace().