
[Example Sentences]:
1. He said he would support whomever the House selected but would fight to win.
2. The White House has insisted that the president will see whomever he wants.
3. They can also alert multiple members of your household as well, not just whomever is home.
4. Anyone can copy it and send it around to whomever they desire.
5. That means being free to express political opinions and communicate with whomever they want in whatever manner they want.
6. Notifications will be sent out to whomever and whatever needs them.
7. Microsoft is motivated to maintain a good partnership with whomever ends up acquiring the embattled Web company, said the report.
8. Some Democrats in the Senate are already signaling that they will attempt a filibuster to block whomever the president chooses.
9. On Friday Russian President Vladimir Putin said he would respect the outcome and was prepared to work with whomever was elected president.
10. The Democratic National Committee says it supports all of the candidates in the race equally, and will support whomever the nominee is.
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