Contraction words List

ain't :
  am not, is not, are not, has not, have not, do not, does not, did not
aren't :
  are not
can't :
  can not
couldn't :
  could not
could've :
  could have
d'affaires :
  charged with matters
d'etre :
  reason for being
didn't :
  did not
doesn't :
  does not
don't :
  do not
hadn't :
  had not
hasn't :
  has not
haven't :
  have not
he'd :
  he had
he'll :
  he will
he's :
  he has, he is
how'd :
  how had, how would
how'll :
  how will
how's :
  how is, how has
I'd :
  I had
I'll :
  I will
I'm :
  I am
isn't :
  is not
it'd :
  it had, it would
it'll :
  it will
it's :
  it is, it has
I've :
  I have
let's :
  let us
mightn't :
  might not
might've :
  might have
mustn't :
  must not
must've :
  must have
needn't :
  need not
ne'er-do-well :
o'clock :
  of the clock
shan't :
  shall not
she'd :
  she had, she would
she'd've :
  she would have
she'll :
  she will
she's :
  she is, she has
shouldn't :
  should not
should've :
  should have
spec'd :
  to provide specifications for
sq'm :
  square mile
that'd :
  that would, that had
that'll :
  that will
that's :
  that is, that has
there'd :
  there had, there would
there'll :
  there will
there's :
  there is, there has
they'd :
  they had, they would
they'll :
  they will
they're :
  they are
they've :
  they have
wasn't :
  was not
we'd :
  we had, we would
we'll :
  we will
we're :
  we are
weren't :
  were not
we've :
  we have
what'll :
  what will
what're :
  what are
what's :
  what is, what has
what've :
  what have
who'd :
  who had, who would
who'll :
  who will
who're :
  who are
who's :
  who is, who has
who've :
  who have
why'd :
  why had, why would
why'll :
  why will
why's :
  why is, why has
won't :
  will not
wouldn't :
  would not
would've :
  would have
you'd :
  you had, you would
you'll :
  you will
you're :
  you are
you've :
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