
[Example Sentences]:
1. Microsoft can make their platform and their apps more valuable through the power of search.
2. Tech companies make up the five most valuable companies in the world by market capitalization.
3. We want to see this valuable resource made available for further use by the public.
4. It is now the fourth most valuable company in the world by market capitalization.
5. For Facebook, the technology might make the social network a more valuable platform for merchants.
6. Great things are expected of the most valuable company on the planet.
7. He said that the government holds much more valuable information than how governments are elected.
8. You can protect these valuable accessories using the spring out of an old pen.
9. It is only valuable if you have somewhere to take it.
10. As a result, these employees are even more valuable to their employers.
11. The type of information that may have been disclosed is valuable for hackers.
12. The customer list is just too valuable to be ignored by the entire market of potential suitors.
13. It is also becoming clear that content can be very valuable to large technology firms as well.
14. On Thursday, Twitter announced a project to make them even more valuable for researchers.
15. The ability to gain new knowledge will be more valuable than the knowledge itself.

[Antonyms]worthless, valueless

[Synonyms]worthy, estimable, costly © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home