
[Example Sentences]:
1. Now you can get one with 16 times the capacity and a color screen that plays videos for $149.
2. You can even change the color of your car or buy a new one altogether.
3. This way the camera has color information from all three channels at every point in the frame.
4. We do have to consider issues like skin color when we make these decisions.
5. I try and enable people of color to have full opportunity.
6. Obama urged the audience to make room for women and people of color in technology.
7. The majority of voters are over the issue of what color his skin is.
8. Each brand of phone is a different color and can be independently toggled.
9. You can even change the highlight color in the preferences.
10. If you want to check another color or configuration, you need to start over.
11. You can then name the feed and also assign a color code.
12. You then choose your color and drag the folder to be modified.
13. In addition to a wider dynamic range, more and better color is possible as well.
14. When working on metal objects, be sure to select areas where the color is reflected.
15. The case comes in a variety of color combinations to fit every taste.

[Antonyms]paleness, transparency, openness

[Synonyms]hue, tint, tinge © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home