
[Example Sentences]:
1. One such use case could be for a group chat or collaboration session.
2. This further highlights the need for collaboration within the security research community.
3. Cisco officials have said that collaboration is an important business for the networking giant.
4. Microsoft is definitely very focused these days on collaboration tools of all kinds.
5. In other words, collaboration is first about people and then right tools for the job.
6. There was a need for greater collaboration among medical and research disciplines.
7. This is expected to improve productivity and collaboration across the county government.
8. It can only be done through collective intelligence and collaboration in execution.
9. The advanced intelligence of tomorrow is a collaboration between the natural and the artificial.
10. Each group and even publication had already settled on their own collaboration solution.
11. We hope this collaboration will lead to greater efficiency as we continue to enforce our policies.
12. Cisco has been stepping up its collaboration game in recent months.
13. The cloud is becoming increasingly important to the collaboration space.
14. The collaboration space is very complex at the moment. © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home