
[Example Sentences]:
1. A single Good Night bulb costs $24.95.
2. Would a savvy consumer rather pay 40 cents for a light bulb, or $1.75 or $10?
3. The future of the light bulb has arrived.
4. The LED bulb makers have addressed all of those initial problems.
5. The only downside is the color index, a measurement for how well a bulb displays the full spectrum of color.
6. Klein was on the road to a journalism career before the Kano light bulb went off.
7. The bulb can be controlled via Bluetooth using any Android or iOS device, which eliminates the need for a hub or bridge.
8. They also provide an extra 4 hours of battery to the bulb if the power goes out.
9. Connected to a wireless network, Hue affords you more control over a light bulb than ever thought possible.
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