
[Example Sentences]:
1. Her mother encouraged her acting career and signed her up with an agent at 5.
2. At some point you have to start looking like and acting like a governor.
3. The market is now acting like the risk was just the election.
4. Labour said the government was only acting after being taken to court.
5. It was also unknown whether he was acting alone or as part of a militant group.
6. Some countries traditionally close to China have been acting cooler.
7. Stock picking and then knowing when to sell is much more complicated than acting on tips.
8. Even if one of the pilots turns out to have been involved, he might have been acting alone.
9. Whether you like it or not, your boss may want you to start acting more like a programmer.
10. He said nothing, acting as if the questions from the Times had never been raised.
11. Netflix is also acting in its economic interests to support Net neutrality rules.
12. The consequences of not acting could affect more than just the environment, he said.
13. The digital transformation is in full swing, and you need to be acting now.
14. We have heard that time and time again how everyone was acting with due speed to assist her.
15. He also issued an injunction to stop them from acting as legislators. © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home