C# enum

enum data type is a group of constants with key and value.

public enum Char_Direction
Center = 0,
OutSide = 1,
ClockWise = 2,
AntiClockWise = 3
Char_Direction.OutSide; //1

If the value starts from 0, the values may not needed.
public enum CaretMode { InsertMode, OverwriteMode }
//is equal to
public enum CaretMode { InsertMode=0, OverwriteMode=1 }

You may specify the start value:
public enum Char_Direction
Center = 2, OutSide, ClockWise, AntiClockWise
//is equal to
public enum Char_Direction
Center = 2, OutSide = 3, ClockWise = 4, AntiClockWise = 5

enum to string:
Char_Direction.OutSide.ToString(); //OutSide

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