C# Constructor

Constructor is a function for object initialization. All classes has a default constructor base which will be called if there is not constructor provided.

Constructors are usually has the same name as the class and do not return values.

class human
public int age;
public human()
{ ... }

Constructor is usually public. If it is private, then no object can be created based on the class. The later usually happens when all class members are static.
class weekdays
private weekdays() {};
public static string[] arr = {"Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"};
public static showweekday(int i)
i -= 1;
if (i < 0 && i > 6) return "NA";
return arr[i];
weekdays d = new weekdays(); //error
weekdays.showweekday(2); //Tuesday

A class may have multiple constructors with the same name but different parameters.
class human
public int age;
public string sex;
public string race;
public human()
sex = "unknown";
age = 0;
race = "unknown";
public human(int a,string s)
sex = s;
age = a;
race = "unknown";
public human(int a,string s,string r)
sex = s;
age = a;
race = r;
human h = new human(); //OK
h.age; //0
h.race; //unknown
human h2 = new human(28,"James"); //OK
h2.age; //28
h2.race; //unknown
human h3 = new human(28,"James","English"); //OK
h3.age; //28
h3.race; //English

Destructors are called when an object is destroyed for resouces release and other clearing tasks.
class human
public int age;
public human()
{ ... }
public ~human() //destructor
{ ... }

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