
[Example Sentences]:
1. Both of the new viruses are so massive that they can be seen using a traditional light microscope.
2. As operating systems age, more potential viruses and malware are created to target them.
3. At first, the French scientists thought both viruses were the same.
4. Thursday that unpatched bugs put users at an increased vulnerability to viruses and malware.
5. Many modern viruses are built to stay hidden.
6. Most employers educate their employees about malware, viruses and cyber-attacks.
7. Most performance issues come from malfunctioning hardware, viruses or a bad program.
8. Scanning emails to prevent spam or viruses is probably fine with most people.
9. However, they could actually be viruses in disguise that infect your computer.
10. Some scammers like to hide viruses in files. © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home