
[Example Sentences]:
1. Apple says the phrase unfairly references its Think Different campaign, which ran in the 1990s.
2. He said that contracts unfairly lock customers into a particular device for two years.
3. They said Uber was competing unfairly in the city by using unlicensed drivers for its service.
4. He argued that independent artists are being treated unfairly simply because they lack market power.
5. Executives at Uber say the company is unfairly targeted, and there is no doubt that is the case.
6. The expansion has been criticised as unfairly targeting pensioners.
7. Uber says the law unfairly singles out parts of its service.
8. He rejected criticism of the Israeli outreach, suggesting Israel was being unfairly singled out.
9. They argued that poor offenders are unfairly incarcerated while awaiting trial.
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