
[Example Sentences]:
1. This will be a steep learning process for you and your uncle.
2. That would be a steep increase in the pace of job gains in recent months.
3. The steep oil drop created a lot of value in the energy space.
4. This only becomes more true later on while running along a narrow path through a steep valley.
5. Another time we thought the blue stake was on the other side of a large, steep hill.
6. Just like with anything in life that comes at a steep discount, there are a few catches.
7. Twitter had been threatened with steep fines for refusing and lost an appeal.
8. The learning curve could be steep for some parents to record video and upload it to a website.
9. Instead, Russia is doing all the taxi work for a steep price.
10. We went up at a very steep ascent.
11. Just be sure to have the patience to cope with its steep learning curve.
12. Japan was an exception, with steep drops in physical and digital sales alike.
13. The steep drop in oil prices has been a major factor in the low inflation over the past year.
14. It hit the steep side of the canyon wall.
15. The northern end contains steep cliffs and would be difficult to fish from.


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