
[Example Sentences]:
1. Compared with other device markets, the tablet market will be relatively quiet in 2017.
2. The term itself is relatively new, having being coined in 2009.
3. Most small mammals die relatively young, but some bats can live over the age of 40.
4. Humans mature relatively slowly, reaching sexual maturity at about age 12 or 13.
5. This allows these relatively small features to be studied much more easily.
6. The role of CIO at the federal government level is a relatively new one.
7. He said the science is relatively clear that it does not.
8. The findings suggest that relatively few people were needed to move the statues.
9. Samsung and Google already have some relatively simple VR systems on the market.
10. There are areas with a relatively low income that have far higher broadband penetration.
11. This can easily be done by a single individual with a relatively crude bomb.
12. The fact that the Surface Pro is relatively thick for a tablet put me off at first.
13. If one is very profitable and growing relatively slowly, its stock will likely be punished.
14. Weather in the search zone was expected to be relatively good, with some cloud cover.
15. It must be some relatively established group that did it, he said. © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home