
[Example Sentences]:
1. The app allows you quickly find and display files based on a search string.
2. It will group the photos for you automatically so you can quickly find the best ones.
3. The app also includes location support so users can quickly share where they are with friends.
4. This will allow you to work quickly and from a greater distance.
5. The real issue is how quickly they deal with them.
6. It can be done quickly if there is a will.
7. This deal needs to get done as quickly as possible so Dell can get down to business.
8. We knew it was something where we had to get to him as quickly as we could.
9. So much seems to happen so quickly in a smartphone month.
10. He recovered so quickly that he went home the next day.
11. The pressure to move so many men so quickly was unprecedented.
12. We found very quickly a Facebook page and a Twitter page.
13. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
14. We are actively investigating these reports and will provide information as quickly as we can.
15. The fact that the industry cloud is emerging quickly is notable for a few reasons.
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