

[Definition]: of main concern, the most important; the majority of

[Example Sentences]:
1. Whatever feelings people have about the primary should be kept in 2016.
2. The fact that you had to shut off your primary business conduit is the critical point.5.
3. The primary election is April 26.
4. Both face primary challengers in 2014.
5. Launched in 2009, the spacecraft completed its primary mission in 2012.
6. It has been a primary channel through which he has made his prognostications.
7. It just is not the primary driving force the way some people think it is.
8. One of the primary ways many vendors have approached the cloud security problem is with encryption.
9. One of the primary concerns around bitcoin is its use in money laundering.
10. The primary element used to gather device information is called a sensor.
11. It its primary focus is, then its a failure before it even starts.
12. The iPad is now the primary or only computing device for a significant segment of the mobile market.
13. The code was sent to the primary email address associated with my LinkedIn account.
14. He said heart attacks were the primary cause of human deaths in the park.

[Antonyms]secondary, posterior, subsequent

[Synonyms]first, fundamental, primitive © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home