
[Example Sentences]:
1. As expected, the device sold out almost immediately online on April 10.
2. He and four partners broke even just eight months after raising almost a million dollars in 2011.
3. Tesla later closed up almost 2 percent at $216.50.
4. It almost reached its target of $10,000.
5. Tech jobs there rose by almost a third from 2007 to 2012.
6. That compares with an almost 84 percent gain for the S P 500.
7. It will have a permanent crew of almost 1,600 when it enters service in 2020.
8. On Tuesday, the benchmark index rebounded by almost 2%.
9. That compares with an excess of almost 11 percent in 2013.
10. The number of Trojan and botnet servers marks an almost 60 percent increase from 2011.
11. Its shares trade at 87 times earnings, almost five times the average in the S P 500.

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