write(x, file = "data", ncolumns = if(is.character(x)) 1 else 5, append = FALSE, sep = " ")
Let's see a matrix example (we will print to the screen, you may give a file name for writing to the file):
>x <- matrix(c(3,5,7,1,9,4),nrow=3,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE) >write(x,"")
3 7 9 5 1 4
3,7 9,5 1,4
write.table(x, file = "", append = FALSE, quote = TRUE, sep = " ", eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE, qmethod = c("escape", "double"), fileEncoding = "")
Let's write the data set BOD to the screen:
"Time","demand" "1",1,8.3 "2",2,10.3 "3",3,19 "4",4,16 "5",5,15.6 "6",7,19.8