Package ggplot2 is a unique system which has many plotting functions. It uses
> install.packages("ggplot2",repos="",dep=TRUE) > library(ggplot2) > gg <- ggplot(trees, aes(y=Volume, x=Height))#trees is a builtin dataset > gg + geom_bar(stat="identity",color="blue",fill="red")
> gg <- ggplot(CO2, aes(Plant,uptake))#CO2 is a builtin dataset > gg + geom_boxplot()
> gg + geom_boxplot(aes(color=Type))
> gg <- ggplot(trees, aes(Height,Volume)) > gg + geom_point(color="green")
> gg <- ggplot(CO2,aes(uptake)) > gg + geom_histogram(bins=20,color="green",fill="yellow")
It can also plot time series data. Following code downloads the stock trading data and plots it:
> install.packages("tseries",repos="",dep=TRUE) > library(tseries) > rcl <- get.hist.quote("rcl")#stocks data of Royal Caribbean Ltd. time series starts 1993-04-28 time series ends 2020-03-27 > head(rcl)Open High Low Close 1993-04-28 9.1250 9.3750 9.0000 9.1250 1993-04-29 9.1250 9.3125 9.1250 9.3125 1993-04-30 9.3750 9.3750 9.1250 9.1875 1993-05-03 9.1250 9.1875 9.0625 9.1875 1993-05-04 9.1875 9.1875 8.9375 9.0625 1993-05-05 9.0000 9.0625 8.8750 8.8750 >autoplot(rcl)
Following is the complete data of the stock RCL:
Plotting functions list of package "ggplot2":