PHP Tutorials

PHP is an popular open source scripting language. It's not type sensitive and can be embedded in an HTML page conveniently. PHP has many built-in database handling functions, can seamlessly working with Mysql and Oracle databases, thus widely used in website design. PHP is usually used as the server side programming language, combined with JavaScript as the client side script. The PHP development team home page is, together with their online manual page.

Data Types

Loops & Conditions

String Functions

Array Functions

Math Functions

File Operations

PHP Popular Topics

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PHP String Functions
 • concatenation • echo
 • ereg • ereg_replace
 • explode • htmlspecialchars
 • preg_match • preg_replace
 • preg_split • print,sprintf
 • regular expr. • str_replace
 • strcmp • strpos
 • strrev • strrpos
 • strtr • substr
 • substr_replace
PHP Array Functions
 • array_diff • array_flip
 • array_intersect • array_key_exists
 • array_keys • array_merge
 • array_pop • array_push
 • array_rand • array_search
 • array_splice • array_unshift
 • array_values • asort & arsort
 • count • in_array
 • ksort, krsort • shuffle
 • sort
PHP Data Types
 • array • associative array
 • date & time • number
 • class, object • regular expression
 • string • variables
PHP Loop & Conditions
 • continue & break • for loop
 • foreach • if else
 • not equal • while
PHP File System Functions
 • copy • delete, unlink
 • dirname • download url
 • file_exists • is_file, filesize
 • mkdir, rmdir • read file
 • scandir • write file
PHP Popular Topics
 • ajax • clone
 • comments • constants
 • cookie • database
 • defined • die
 • form validation • gd, draw images
 • global variables • header url
 • heredoc • mail
 • pass by reference • print
 • regular expr. • sessions
 • threads • xml parse
PHP Math Functions
 • abs • cos
 • exp • floor & ceil
 • fmod • log
 • max & min • pow
 • round • sin
 • sqrt • tan © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home