HTML Tags |
HTML Tags is a block of code with special meanings, usually starts with an opening tag, and end with a corresponding closing tag. A tag can have multiple non-duplicated attributes inside the opening tag, such as type, disabled, name, href, rel etc.
• Void Tags do no need a closing tag, and therefore it do not have content. This kind of tags include:
Area in an image map | |
Command button, new in HTML5 | |
Image resource | |
Meta data, such as keyword, description in the header | Defines the base path for all relative URLs of the web page |
Container for an external application, new in HTML5 | |
Input Contral, such as button, text box etc | |
Parameter of an object | |
Break a line | |
Draw a horizontal line | |
Link an external resource such as CSS file to the web page | |
Multiple media resources for media elements, new in HTML5 | |
Define column properties of <colgroup> element |
• Complete List of HTML Tags:
<!DOCTYPE> | <A> | <abbr> | <acronym>* |
<address> | <applet>* | <article>(HTML5) | <aside>(HTML5) |
<audio>(HTML5) | <b> | <base /> | <basefont*> |
<bdi>(HTML5) | <bdo> | <big>* | <blockquote> |
<body> | <br> | <button> | <canvas>(HTML5) |
<caption> | <center>* | <cite> | <code> |
<colgroup> | <datalist>(HTML5) | <dd> | <del> |
<details>(HTML5) | <dfn> | <dialog> | <dir>* |
<div> | <dl> | <dt> | <em> |
<embed>(HTML5) | <fieldset> | <figcaption>(HTML5) | <figure>(HTML5) |
<font>* | <footer>(HTML5) | <form> | <frame>* |
<frameset>* | <h1-6> | <head> | <header>(HTML5) |
<hgroup>(HTML5) | <html> | <i> | <iframe> |
<ins> | <kbd> | <keygen>(HTML5) | <label> |
<legend> | <li> | <map> | <mark>(HTML5) |
<menu> | <meter>(HTML5) | <nav>(HTML5) | <noframes>* |
<noscript> | <object> | <ol> | <optgroup> |
<option> | <output>(HTML5) | <p> | <pre> |
<pregress>(HTML5) | <g> | <rp>(HTML5) | <rt>(HTML5) |
<ruby>(HTML5) | <s> | <samp> | <script> |
<section>(HTML5) | <select> | <small> | <source>(HTML5) |
<span> | <strike>* | <strong> | <style> |
<sub> | <summary>(HTML5) | <sup> | <table> |
<tbody> | <td> | <textarea> | <tfoot> |
<thead> | <time>(HTML5) | <title> | <tr> |
<track>(HTML5) | <tt>* | <u> | <ul> |
<var> | <video>(HTML5) | <wbr>(HTML5) |