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Bacteria and Diseases

Bacterias are very tiny orgnaisms which are existed almost every where. Bacterias are prokaryotes, they have only one cell, without nucleus. Their genome is only several hundred Kilo base pairs (Kb) to several Mega base pairs (Mb), compared to 3000 Mbs of human genome. Bacteria can be better observed under a microscope as they are typically several µm in diameter. Sometimes bacterias grow into a larger colony and it can then be seen by eye.

Bacterias are also presented in human body, especially in the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract such like nose, most of them are not harmful. Generally the human immune system has the power to kill invading bacterias, but not all the times. For example, the leukocyte in the blood can swallow the bacterias, although themself will die subsequenctly. In fact, a lot of bacterias can infect human and cause diseases such like diarrehha and cholera.

List of diseases caused by bacteria:
Bacteria Pathogen
Organs Affected
itemAnthras Bacillus Anthracis Skin, Lung Environment
itemBotulism Clostridium Botulinum Neural System Food
itemChlamydial Urethritis Chlamydia Trachomatis Cervix, Eye, Urethra Sexual
itemCholera Vibrio Cholerae Intestine Food
itemGonorrhea Neisseria Gonorrhea Urinary Tract Contact, Sexual
itemLeprosy Mycobacterium Leprae Skin, Bones, Peripheral Nerves Contact
itemSalmonellosis Salmonella Intestine Food
itemSyphilis Treponema Pallidum Skin, Cardiovascular Organs Contact
itemTuberculosis Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Lung Air
itemTyphus Salmonella Typhi Blood, Skin Bugs, Contact

Most bacterias are sensitive to antibiotics. However, with the over use of antibiotics in recent years, some bacterias have gained antidrug ability and become more dangerous, such like tuberculosis. For example, E. coli can occasionally obtain DNA fragments such like those containing ampicillin resistance genes from the environment, and thus become resistant to ampicillin. This technique has been widely used in bacterial selective culturing in the labs.

With the new DNA sequencing technology, Scientists can now decipher the bacteria genomes rather easily. There are thousands of bacteria genomes have been sequenenced and made public to all researchers. Click here for the detailed bacteria sequencing project.