
[Example Sentences]:
1. Those factors together somehow make a difference in the way the wine tastes.
2. What did they do with the old wine room?
3. This gives me the opportunity to make wine in a very detailed and precise manner.
4. Though this is a wine service, you can halt shipments for a month at a time.
5. About a third of the wine cup including one handle is missing.
6. Police say an open bottle of wine was in her console cup holder.
7. Getting wine from bottle to glass is not an exercise that requires a lot of thought or planning.
8. Customers can shop by wine type or by region.
9. Still angry that one of your friends spilled red wine on your new couch?
10. They know your favorite cigarettes and wine and whether you watched porn in your room.
11. Two divers worked for hours to locate the wine in the murky water.
12. The quake broke thousands of bottles of wine and toppled barrels.
13. Upon returning home two hours and a glass of wine later, his question still resonated with me.
14. The California drought is so bad, people in Napa are asking the pope to change the wine into water.
15. On a recent morning, they practiced for hours, learning to serve wine and water the proper way. © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home