
[Example Sentences]:
1. No company is perfect when it comes to designing products for the visually impaired.
2. There is really no way to do it visually, she said.
3. The result is a game that is quietly stunning, and visually unique.
4. It appears that just as much thought has gone into making the dishwashers visually striking.
5. Nothing visually profound is being produced here, I would have to say.
6. People have the ability to visually depict what they see using a short sequence of strokes.
7. Not only is this new layout visually interesting, it also showcases your best photos.
8. The crew visually located the largest building near the open field, which was the hospital, he said.
9. The colour aspects and unique design made them visually intriguing. © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home