
[Example Sentences]:
1. The stock will be fully vested in 2018.
2. He said he left his federal job with a fully vested pension.
3. In some areas this may be easy, in others she will be up against vested interests willing to fight her.
4. As the corporate owner of NBC Universal, Comcast obviously has a vested interest in ensuring its content is protected.
5. To a certain degree, they were vested in her success, and they wanted it.
6. Nvidia has a vested interest in expanding the use of artificial intelligence, which typically requires heavy computational power.
7. It calls for the establishment of a transitional governing body vested with full executive powers.
8. It had no vested interest in preserving the cable bundle.
9. Ericsson conducts the study regularly, and has a vested interest in seeing its vision come true.
10. The basic standards for the Internet were developed before there were powerful companies with a vested interest in excluding competitors from markets.
11. By making kids active earth ambassadors, they become vested in protecting our planet.
12. The researcher advocated establishing a State Reform Commission as part of overcoming vested interests opposed to change. © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home