

[Definition]: a risky journey; to explore

[Example Sentences]:
1. Pao was a junior partner at venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins until 2012.
2. Lenovo and NEC set up a PC joint venture in 2011.
3. Some would look at your last venture and your current one and call it an about-face.
4. Most of the investment in space launch companies has come from private venture capital firms.
5. Some of these recommendations will also assist the development of the venture capital market.
6. This does not mean that venture funds are not doing their job well.
7. I believe that launching this venture together now puts us ahead of the pack.
8. There is a huge amount of venture investment in these kinds of things.
9. The fourth quarter also brought evidence that venture investments can still pay off.
10. The data on venture capital investment in water is telling.
11. That includes making a pitch for funding to venture capital investors.
12. Some even venture into the Gulf of Mexico during the summer.
13. This year, venture firms will be involved in life and death decisions for some of their companies.
14. Curiosity has yet to venture far from its landing site, but that will change soon.
15. The venture industry has taken note of the issue.

[Antonyms]certainty, surety, security

[Synonyms]chance, risk, hazard © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home