
[Example Sentences]:
1. And the media was just one more institution that he was tearing down.
2. A minute later, the three cars that had started behind me came tearing by.
3. At least one Beijing school has already begun tearing up its track.
4. Ross this week criticized police for tearing out a camera mounted on the house.
5. That way you can scan book pages without tearing them out and quite possibly, reducing your inheritance.
6. He also wondered about the motivation behind tearing down historical statues and where it might end.
7. These sensors seem securely installed, never once tearing our test materials.
8. This wind is just tearing you up, she said.
9. The conflict tearing the Central African Republic apart has brought childhood to a halt.
10. Outside, the Internet was tearing itself apart over NSA spying allegations and revelations.
11. These plastic and nylon tools can apply force without tearing the delicate traces on the boards.
12. When roads are extended or repaired will be the time to do it to avoid tearing up the highway, he said.
13. Williams said the city code does not require demolition contractors to show any proficiency in tearing down buildings.
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