
[Example Sentences]:
1. She said the officers shot and killed the teenager after he tried to stab them.
2. The company is taking a creative stab in the TV space, not just a financial one.
3. You just had to be careful not to stab the RAM modules.
4. At least one had a knife and tried to stab Israelis, he said.
5. A witness saw militiamen stab two displaced people to death as people were fleeing.
6. BlackBerry is taking another stab at the tablet business, albeit through a backdoor.
7. He lifted his shirt to reveal a stab wound to his stomach.
8. Other major US technology and telecommunications giants lent a hand in the second stab at the case.
9. An autopsy revealed that she had multiple cuts and stab wounds. © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home