
[Example Sentences]:
1. Some analysts are worried about the sluggish growth of government revenues.
2. On the other hand, each version has also been somewhat slow to launch and sluggish to respond.
3. Still, sales at those businesses have been sluggish over the past year.
4. Workers are trying to raise their income even as job growth is sluggish, he said.
5. Analysts said those figures were particularly impressive given the sluggish PC market.
6. The growth is a stark contrast to sluggish overall retail sales this holiday.
7. Using the default settings, the mouse is sluggish and clicking anything becomes a trial in patience.
8. Higher rates are making the economy sluggish and a competitive economy cannot afford them.
9. Yet productivity has been unusually sluggish the past three years.
10. After sluggish initial sales, Apple slashed the price to spur holiday sales that year.
11. That means, most of the time, it was too sluggish to erupt.
12. Americans have generally spent cautiously this year, held back by sluggish wage growth.
13. Any major reduction in the flow could cause a brutal jolt to an already sluggish Mexican economy.
14. European Union forecasts sluggish growth to persist.

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