
[Example Sentences]:
1. No one wants to see the government regulate the game industry.
2. We operate in the China market and we want the government to regulate the Bitcoin exchange business.
3. FDA officials told the Apple executives that they regulate based on the intended use of a device.
4. In recent years, both parts of the world have set up rules to regulate drone use.
5. Instead, he said that the agency will use the power it already has to regulate safety in aviation.
6. Park officials will regulate their concessions and the number of runs they do.
7. To help regulate the flow of visitors, the company said it will use an invitation system.
8. Thirty four percent of respondents said the government is not doing enough to regulate business.
9. For decades, Virginia has struggled with how to regulate day care.
10. A state cannabis commission would be created to regulate the drug.

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