
[Example Sentences]:
1. Both of our countries are taking prudent measures both military and diplomatic to enhance our security.
2. It is only prudent not to spend millions on publicity, meetings and other events.
3. I expect them to adopt rules and regulations that compel the financial services industry to behave in a more prudent manner.
4. His campaign also violated every prudent management principle.
5. This training is a prudent precautionary measure taken as a result of recent airborne training incidents, she said.
6. For this reason, it is prudent to patiently wait for a pullback to start any new positions.
7. It is prudent to build positive relationships with as many influencers in your industry as possible, even if they are your competitors.
8. If your customer is embracing machine learning, it would be prudent for you to embrace it also, she told the conference audience.


[Synonyms]cautious, considerate, judicious © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home