
[Example Sentences]:
1. Surface has always had a microSD card slot, and the proud tradition continues with Pro 4.
2. I wanted to do something that I could be proud of, he said.
3. We are also very proud of our players the world is seeing what we already knew.
4. We want the kind of shows that families can sit down and watch and be proud of.
5. I think he would have been pretty proud, and probably more than a little surprised.
6. These are proud people who have lost everything and have nowhere to go.
7. He said the company was pretty proud of the diversity of this portfolio.
8. What ever team picks him up we will be so proud of him.
9. He was proud to be part of a great service.
10. Apple should be proud to have made such a thing.
11. I want to be a father they can be proud of.
12. This is not a proud night for this campus, the home of the free speech movement.
13. The United States is a nation of immigrants, and we should be proud of that.
14. At the time, the Democratic mayor said he was proud of his choice.
15. You have made Chinese people feel proud of ourselves, Xi told the three astronauts.


[Synonyms]arrogant, haughty, presumptuous © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home