
[Example Sentences]:
1. Two pipe bombs were also found in the van after the suspect was shot.
2. The pipe bomb was in a plastic garbage can when it exploded.
3. They built and stored crude pipe bombs in their home.
4. Right now the idea of achieving negative emissions may seem like a pipe dream.
5. This pipe is still in the ground, he said.
6. A crack pipe was found in the car.
7. The tear in the pipe was only five inches at its widest point.
8. It is still not clear whether a ruptured pipe or something else caused the explosion.
9. To join rather than beat the holiday spirit, you may wish to pipe such music throughout your home.
10. Email is the dumb pipe version of communication technology, which is why it remains popular.
11. Boys playing in water from a pipe damaged by shelling in Aleppo last month.
12. Republicans dubbed his plan a pipe dream.
13. The audio overlay option, which lets you pipe in the radio feed over the TV broadcast, is cool.
14. The broadband pipe will be faster.
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