
[Example Sentences]:
1. This makes it easier to disable a policy that might be overly restrictive.
2. The best I can say is that it felt like a watch, not overly heavy or burdensome.
3. Companies should also not provide their customers with overly detailed staff information.
4. A ll in all, nothing to be overly concerned about in our view.
5. We were not overly optimistic, he told CNN by satellite phone from the ship.
6. The GDP figures were robust, but I think a lot of investors are overly excited about them.
7. For some people, that might sound overly cautious, but perhaps not when seen in a larger context.
8. There were some glitches or perhaps I should call them overly earnest suggestions.
9. A site may be flagged If its ads contain overly sexual, violent or scary images.
10. This might be an overly generous assumption.
11. A previous version of the legislation was thrown out by lawmakers in 2013 as overly intrusive.
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