
[Example Sentences]:
1. His son said the family had always been optimistic about the verdict.
2. He does not allow himself to be very optimistic about things.
3. Are they optimistic that there will be some kind of truce?
4. They were also more optimistic about their child finding a job after graduation.
5. These have been dark days, but I remain as optimistic as ever that the future is bright.
6. Now even the most optimistic projections estimate the work will take about half a century.
7. That makes me optimistic about what they showed yesterday.
8. Experts are optimistic that the industry can maintain that sort of volume in the coming years.
9. Others are more optimistic about the potential for Yahoo to evolve with Mayer at the helm.
10. I am optimistic we will develop a model that works for all of Blue, he said.
11. This may appear optimistic, given the early nature that potential negotiations could be at.
12. Developers are optimistic that they can address challenges as they surface.
13. Wang said he is optimistic of improving ties in most respects.
14. We were not overly optimistic, he told CNN by satellite phone from the ship.
15. You offer not a hint of evidence, but merely optimistic speculation.

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