
[Example Sentences]:
1. The total value of what I carry in my backpack is about $5000.
2. The total value of what I carry in my backpack is about $5,000.
3. The most important security feature in a backpack is to be boring.
4. One woman who tried to escape was killed in the street with a backpack on her shoulders.
5. The most important feature of a backpack is security.
6. At a red light I take off my backpack and do a sweat check.
7. The backpack was destroyed, and police said it had no explosive contents.
8. Other accessories allow it to be attached to a shoulder, backpack or handlebars.
9. To read the books, they click the backpack and select a book.
10. Investigators say the man, who seemed to be alone, put the backpack on the ground.
11. Buy a black backpack without fancy features or designer logos.
12. It starts with the backpack selection. © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home