
[Example Sentences]:
1. How do you spell appreciate 7.
2. I think people are starting to appreciate defense a little more than they used to.
3. We appreciate contributions from the research community that help keep Android safe.
4. We appreciate your patience and feedback as we test this network and make it better.
5. We appreciate your patience as we work to bring our developer services back online.
6. I appreciate the opportunity to hear from you on this matter and share many of your concerns.
7. I know you did everything you can, and I truly appreciate it.
8. We appreciate all the love and support that everyone is showing.
9. We appreciate the strong leadership from Commissioner Silver and he has our full support.
10. We know that they re getting frustrated, but we just really appreciate their patience.
11. Here it will join other posts and gather likes from people who appreciate your effort.
12. This is what I appreciate about music subscription services.
13. The consumer who is mobile first will appreciate it.
14. Anyone stuck in a car with a dead battery and electric windows can appreciate that.
15. The hunters did not appreciate the attention from the five hunt monitors and one reporter.

[Antonyms]undervalue, misjudge, ignore

[Synonyms]esteem, prize, recognize © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home