R grepl Function

grepl() function searchs for matches of a string or string vector. It returns TRUE if a string contains the pattern, otherwise FALSE; if the parameter is a string vector, returns a logical vector (match or not for each element of the vector). It stands for "grep logical".

grepl(pattern, x, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE,
fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)

• pattern: regular expression, or string for fixed=TRUE
• x: string, the character vector
• perl: logical. Should perl-compatible regexps be used? Has priority over extended
• fixed: logical. If TRUE, pattern is a string to be matched as is. Overrides all conflicting arguments
• useBytes: logical. If TRUE the matching is done byte-by-byte rather than character-by-character

> x <- "line 4322: He is now 25 years old, and weights 130lbs"
> y <- grepl("\\d+",x)
> y

[1] TRUE

> x <- "line 4322: He is now 25 years old, and weights 130lbs"
> y <- grepl("[[:digit:]]",x)
> y

[1] TRUE

Vector match:

>str <- c("Regular", "expression", "examples of R language")
>x <- grepl("x*ress",str)


Regular Expression Syntax:

Digit, 0,1,2 ... 9
Not Digit
Not Space
Not Word
New line
Beginning of the string
End of the string
Escape special characters, e.g. \\ is "\", \+ is "+"
Alternation match. e.g. /(e|d)n/ matches "en" and "dn"
Any character, except \n or line terminator
a or b
Any character except a and b
All Digit
All uppercase A to Z letters
All lowercase a to z letters
All Uppercase and lowercase a to z letters
i at least one time
i zero or more times
i zero or 1 time
i occurs n times in sequence
i occurs n1 - n2 times in sequence
non greedy match, see above example
i occures >= n times
Alphanumeric characters: [:alpha:] and [:digit:]
Alphabetic characters: [:lower:] and [:upper:]
Blank characters: e.g. space, tab
Control characters
Digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Graphical characters: [:alnum:] and [:punct:]
Lower-case letters in the current locale
Printable characters: [:alnum:], [:punct:] and space
Punctuation character: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
Space characters: tab, newline, vertical tab, form feed, carriage return, space
Upper-case letters in the current locale
Hexadecimal digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F a b c d e f

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